Epping Hermann Fischer

    Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

    • 15517 First Filings
    • 150 Employees
    • 25 Years

    Why Industrial Patents?

    The Epping Hermann Fischer Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (EHF) specializes in patent applications and patents with Industrial Patents for large and medium-sized companies in Germany and abroad. As an internationally active patent law firm located in Munich, we make a significant contribution to the research and development of our industrial clients by protecting innovations.


    Through our many years of service to clients in the industry, we know what is important. We are specialized in tailoring our processes to your needs. We see ourselves as your prosecution partner and perform all the tasks of an in-house patent department, from the invention disclosure to the patent and utility model application and the enforcement of these intellectual property rights.

    Patents and Utility Models
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    Employee Inventor’s Rights
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    Portfolio Strategy
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    Search and Product Clearing
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    Oppositions and Nullity Proceedings
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    Infringement and Licensing
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    Specialist Areas

    1// Physics & Semiconductor
    Ever new records, for example in miniaturization, speed, performance or energy efficiency of products, lead to important technical inventions and innovations. We support you in protecting such innovations as broadly as possible with a patent. Read More
    Physik & Halbleiter - Newtonpendel (Kugelstoßpendel)
    2// Chemistry
    The development of new chemical products and the construction of chemical production plants involve a significant amount of effort. Patents and utility models are an indispensable tool for the innovative chemical industry to protect itself from imitators and to secure its own technological edge. Read More
    Chemie - Kolben und Reagenzgläser mit Flüssigkeit
    3// Electrotechnology, IT & Communication Technology
    Since the foundation of our firm in 1999, electrical engineering has been one of our core competences. Our patent attorneys cover a wide range of technologies in electrical engineering, information technology and communication technology. Read More
    Elektrotechnik - Chip wird geschweißt
    4// Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics
    In the field of mechanical engineering and mechatronics, existing products are often optimized through further developments. Since inventions in the field of mechanical engineering are mostly visible when they are used, it is particularly important to protect them from imitators by patents or utility models. Read More
    Maschinenbau & Mechatronik - Roboter in Industrie
    5// Software & Artifical Intelligence
    It is no longer possible to imagine all areas of technology without software. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have made their way into everyday life in recent years. This trend will increasingly continue. Therefore, it is important that you protect your innovations in this field with patents. Read More
    Software & Künstliche Intelligenz - Chip mit AI-Beschriftung
    6// Medical Technology
    Inventions in medical technology often require knowledge from different fields. Our team of patent attorneys from various disciplines draws on many years of experience to work out interdisciplinary issues in a well-founded manner. When protecting your innovations, we always keep the specific medical application in mind. Read More
    Medizintechnik - Person schaut sich Röntgenbild am Tablet an

    The EHF Team

    Interdisciplinary teamwork is our strength. Benefit from the exceptional competence of our experts in both technical and legal matters, based on their extensive experience in industry, research and science.

    Meet the Team

    Work with us

    Teamwork is the key to working at a high level. New employees work as part of the team from the very beginning instead of just running alongside and are thus gradually and efficiently introduced to their respective tasks. Our training quality is appreciated and has been awarded several times in the field of lawyers as well as in the field of paralegals.

    Open positions

    What others say about us

    EHF berät uns bereits seit vielen Jahren bei Patenten, Designs und Marken, von der Unterstützung bei der Anmeldung über die Ausarbeitung und Einreichung bis hin zur Erteilung von Patenten.

    Bei jeder Frage, die wir haben, können wir uns darauf verlassen, dass das EHF-Team uns zeitnahe, ehrliche und pragmatische Antworten und Empfehlungen gibt.
    Die übersichtliche und verständliche Kommunikation hilft uns sehr, den Überblick über die einzelnen Verfahrensschritte zu bewahren und zuverlässig Fristen einzuhalten.
    Die Zusammenarbeit bei der Ausarbeitung der Patente funktioniert auf den Punkt, vorbildlich schnell und effizient.

    Wir haben volles Vertrauen in EHF und können das EHF Team nur empfehlen.
    Client from Industry
    EHF is our most reliable long term business partner in Europe. EHF is highly recommended for its professional and efficiency. The attorneys in EHF have extensive experience and are always full of good ideas. They can always find the best solution to meet the requirements of the clients and solve the complex issues. All of our clients are very satisfied with the IP service of EHF. With the help of EHF, our clients can protect their IP rights in Europe strongly and cost-effectively. Moreover, EHF treats its clients and business partners as friends. Along with the long term cooperation with EHF, a solid friendship with EHF has also built up based on mutual trust. Our cooperation and friendship with EHF will last forever!
    Business Partner
    The EHF firm is a reliable firm that knows everything about the intellectual property activities of companies. We trust EHF very much and are deeply grateful to them.
    Business Partner
    For our clients and us, what we think extremely important includes the high quality of the service, prompt responsiveness, cost effective solution, the great ability to solve the problem and long-lasting reliability, luckily we have EHF as our partner who meets every and each requirement and always goes beyond our expectation in the past 20 years!
    Business Partner

    Let's get in touch

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      Epping Hermann Fischer
      Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
      Schlossschmidstr. 5
      80639 Munich