Maschinenbau & Mechatronik - Roboter in Industrie

    Inventions that Catch The Eye

    Mechanical engineering and mechatronics is a field where the number of new inventions is particularly high. Our clients from this sector belong to widely diversified industries, such as wind turbines, automotive industry, building technology and computers. We have years of expertise in this technical field and have designed our processes to meet the needs of industry.

    You don't always have to reinvent the wheel

    In the field of mechanical engineering and mechatronics, existing products are often optimized through further developments that are based on new inventions. Since inventions in the field of mechanical engineering are usually visible when being used, protecting them from imitators by means of patents or utility models is of particular importance.

    Patents in the field of mechanical engineering and mechatronics

    Our patent attorneys for your inventions in the field of mechanical engineering and mechatronics are graduates in mechanical engineering or another relevant subject such as physics or electrical engineering and have gained professional experience in this field. We ensure that your invention in this field leads to a patent or a utility model formulated as generally and broadly as possible. Our patent attorneys also draw on our many years of experience in building and managing patent portfolios of industrial companies.

    Maschinenbau & Mechatronik - Futuristisches Motorrad mit digitaler Anzeige

    Our mechanical engineering patent attorneys work in an interdisciplinary team

    New technologies often combine aspects of different technical and scientific disciplines. For many mechanical engineering and mechatronics inventions, it is necessary to understand both the physical principles and the electrotechnical implementation. The world of materials, on the other hand, is closely related to chemistry.

    We meet these challenges by ensuring that a mechanical engineering patent attorney at EHF has access to the expertise of our specialists from other fields, such as physics, electrical engineering and chemistry, and cooperates with them on an interdisciplinary basis. We thus ensure that interdisciplinary issues are comprehensively and thoroughly understood and dealt with. We put together a customized team of experts from different disciplines for you.