Dr. rer. nat. Alissa Wiengarten
For me, being a patent attorney means …
getting to know and understanding technical innovations and putting these into words. It means, engaging in every new idea and shaping the pathway of ideas.
Dr. rer. nat. Alissa Wiengarten
Key Areas
- Surface Science
- (Ultrahigh) vacuum technologies
- Semiconductor physics
- Material Science
- Drafting patent applications
- Patent prosecution worldwide
Physics studies, University of Goettingen, TU Berlin & University of California, Los Angeles (USA)
- PhD in the field of molecular nanoscience and chemical physics of interfaces, TU Munich
- Training as German Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
- German Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney at EHF
- English
- German
For me, being a patent attorney means …
getting to know and understanding technical innovations and putting these into words. It means, engaging in every new idea and shaping the pathway of ideas.